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Smart City Pilsen Projects
IZS Stream is the most important support for IRS
The app created by the team from SIT Drones has brought firefighters and police officers safe streaming from the scene of a crisis event, allowing them to mark points of interest and pinpoint the location of a fire outbreak or wanted persons.
3D model viewer – new application for IRS
The application creates a 3D model of the scanned object on the spot and in real time. It is often used by emergency services to examine an object before they enter it during an intervention.
Modern security systems for municipal police
The new dispatching center of the Pilsen Municipal Police combines modern smart elements with artificial intelligence, a system of camera recordings, and sensors that detect gunshots, breaking glass, panic screams or rising water levels.
Pilsen is part of the European project Climaborough
Since 2023 Pilsen has been participating in the European project Climaborough, which aims to test innovative and smart solutions to climate change and its impact on the planet Earth.
Test polygon – a solution for autonomous mobility
The purpose of the project is to create a polygon – a living laboratory – for testing, development in the field of autonomous mobility and dynamic traffic control.
Virtual reality at Pilsen schools
An excursion into space, a dangerous experiment in chemistry. Pupils in Pilsen will be educated by virtual reality.
S4AllCities Horizon 2020
Evaluating cyber and physical security threat levels in real time with implications for enhancing security, protecting lives and property.
Detection of bark beetles by drones
Detecting bark beetles before their first spring swarm using a drone, a multispectral sensor and an AI application.
Self-servise for Parking Cards
An e-shop for long-term parking (virtual parking card) has been launched!
Digi-nursery school
The Digi-nursery school app is going to facilitate communication between nursery schools and parents.
Pilsen Business Vouchers
Pilsen business vouchers are here for businessmen who want to move their company a step further. Team up with researchers and innovate! The city will help you with payment for its services.
Shared Scooters
Using a scooter to get around the city is environmentally friendly, cheap, healthy and, last but not least, fun – simply smart in every way.