Smart City Pilsen Projects

Test polygon – a solution for autonomous mobility

The purpose of the project is to create a polygon – a living laboratory – for testing, development in the field of autonomous mobility and dynamic traffic control.

Virtual reality at Pilsen schools

An excursion into space, a dangerous experiment in chemistry. Pupils in Pilsen will be educated by virtual reality.

S4AllCities Horizon 2020

Evaluating cyber and physical security threat levels in real time with implications for enhancing security, protecting lives and property.

Detection of bark beetles by drones

Detecting bark beetles before their first spring swarm using a drone, a multispectral sensor and an AI application.

Self-servise for Parking Cards

An e-shop for long-term parking (virtual parking card) has been launched!

Digi-nursery school

The Digi-nursery school app is going to facilitate communication between nursery schools and parents.

Pilsen Business Vouchers

Pilsen business vouchers are here for businessmen who want to move their company a step further. Team up with researchers and innovate! The city will help you with payment for its services.

Shared Scooters

Using a scooter to get around the city is environmentally friendly, cheap, healthy and, last but not least, fun – simply smart in every way.

New Parking System in the City Centre

You can also park smartly. In the city center you can use the ParkSimply Plzeň application and pay for parking from anywhere, just by using a mobile phone.

Tech Tower Science and Technology Park

A new science and technology park Tech Tower for innovative companies is being established in Pilsen. It will provide comprehensive services and premises for selected innovative companies with high growth potential and for emerging start-ups.


Communication is fundamental. Chatbot is a virtual partner ready to give you advice 24 hours a day on the most common situations that are dealt with at Pilsen’s offices.

Pilsen is part of the Záchranka (Rescue Services) application

We are a part of the popular Záchranka application – letting you know about crisis situations as quickly as possible.

© 2018 Smart City Plzeň, design by Beneš & Michl