Modern security systems for municipal police


The new dispatching center of the Pilsen Municipal Police combines modern smart elements with artificial intelligence, a system of camera recordings, and sensors that detect gunshots, breaking glass, panic screams or rising water levels.

A modern security solution has newly started to serve the Pilsen Municipal Police. The project Security Dispatch Centre was developed by SITMP. In addition to incorporating modern security features, the system works with camera recordings, sensors detecting water level rise, air quality or uses innovative technology to detect gunshots, glass breakage and screams.


Aim of the project:

  • To create a system that integrates the various security features and data sources used in Pilsen.
  • To engage artificial intelligence to alert to a variety of situations that could compromise security.


Result of the project:

  • Enhancing citizen safety using smart technologies.
  • Elimination of false alarms, significant reduction in the arrival time of the IZS.
  • Involvement of an innovative solution from a Pilsen startup.


The essence of Security Dispatching Centre is the intelligent evaluation of information using automation and artificial intelligence. This enables the Pilsen Municipal Police to react quickly to specific events, with a screen wall with the security dispatching center as the control center. The system can, for example, alert to a vehicle that has entered a no-entry zone, or track down a certain type of vehicle based on the officers’ input.

The technology detecting gunshots and screams is quite specific. It was developed by an innovative Pilsen-based startup JALUD Embedded. A detector with this technology shortens the reporting of a dangerous event from about 7 minutes to just 5 seconds, monitors panicked screams in the streets, broken windows, detects gunshots or explosions.

In October 2023 the Security Dispatching Center gained a new function – thanks to the Security Portal officers can establish a video transmission, chat or locate the caller’s location and movement. No phone app is required, just a smartphone with an internet connection. There is a separate article about the Safety Portal here.

More information at

  • increasing security in Pilsen
  • using artificial intelligence
  • modern security features

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