
City of Pilsen Website

The official Pilsen website is an important communication channel between the city and its citizens. We create user-friendly pages for you that inform you and help you solve life situations.


We have information about life in the city and we’re sharing it with you – check out the TutaPlzeň portal

Silent Line

Thanks to the Silent Line, people with a hearing impairment can arrange everything they need at the municipal authorities with dignity.

Open data

Through open data, we provide the public with data on the operation and functioning of the city and its organizations in formats suitable for further processing.

Plzni To

With the PlzniTo application, anyone can easily report a defect in public space, which we will then deal with as soon as possible.

Citizen Electronic Portal (EPO)

The electronic citizen portal is a tool that enables electronic submission of documents at city authorities – thus making dealing with authorities easier for citizens.

Clickable Budget of the City

With the clickable budget, we’ve made the city’s economic management and budget available to the public.

© 2018 Smart City Plzeň, design by Beneš & Michl