
Launching the Clickable Budget Application

21. 7. 2020 Author:

A transparent and open local government - this is what launching of the new Clickable Budget application is about. It offers any citizen a detailed overview of the city\'s finances, updates data on a monthly basis and provides a complete overview of revenues and expenditures of the regional capital, graphic presentations of individual budget items implementation without omitting, for example, d...

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New Parking System in the City Centre

25. 6. 2020 Author:

On Monday, 29th June 2020, Pilsen is launching a new method of recording and checking the parking fee payment in parking zone A, via registration number, i.e. by entering the car registration number. The new system will make it possible to pay with a mobile application, or continue using a parking meter, where you will have to enter your car registration number. The new application for paying p...

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