DUET Horizon 2020


Pilsen is going to have its own digital twin, an accurate 3D model that will bring improvements to a number of areas – be it crisis management, urban planning or tourism.

The DUET project (Digital Urban European Twins for smarter decision making) is the second SITMP project in the HORIZON2020 programme. The HORIZON2020 programme is a prestigious EU programme to support research and innovation.

What’s the aim of the project:

DUET focuses on creating a 3D model of the city and the subsequent modelling of conditions that might occur in the city:

  • crisis scenarios – prediction, countermeasures, modelling of their effectiveness
  • already occurred events: operational conditions of the city such as transport, air quality, housing development, urban planning, BIM, etc.

What is/will be the result of the project:

As part of the DUET project and an internal SITMP project (Digital Twin), a 3D model of the City of Pilsen will be created from aerial oblique images (pixel accuracy / 5 cm vegetation / non-vegetation period). An LOD 2.3 version object model of buildings will be made, which will be updated once a year.

Within this 3D model (a virtual form of the city), plans will be modelled and the digital twin will provide us with information about the effectiveness, feasibility and impacts of the plan on the operation and life of the city.

We plan to involve the community at SIT Port with the aim of creating a start-up.


Project website DUET

Video presenting the Digital Twin (EN)

What is the Digital Twin – article in AI magazine

  • Digital twin of the city
  • Visualisation of what will be / may be
  • Business inspiration - a new start-up

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