
Digital Twin Event

20. 12. 2021 Author:

How can processes be optimised for sustainability and climate-related improvements? What it brings to tourism? In many countries around the world, digital twins (realistic, virtual models) are used to simulate changes or potential impacts of events on city with an effort to minimize risks. A number of cities, including Vienna or Pilsen, are pioneers, but not only cities have a digital twins ...

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Virtual reality for schools

4. 12. 2021 Author:

You can\'t stop progress - and we don\'t want to stop it in Pilsen, quite the opposite! We are first city in Europe which implement virtual reality as a teaching tool in primary schools. A pilot project has been launched at Primary School of Bolevec and 14th Primary School of Pilsen. Virtual reality has no limits, you can imagine a trip to the rainforest in biology class, an excursion to the...

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