Digital education has taken on a whole new dimension in recent months.
The situation associated with the coronavirus pandemic made the need for distance learning in Czech education – but the changes came too quickly for the system to work well. Therefore, just before the start of the new school year, a hackathon for education took place in the premises of the SIT Port of the Information Technology Administration of the City of Pilsen, where developers together with pedagogy from the Czech Republic and abroad met to create new projects to improve distance learning.
And it a lot of create! 5 teams – 5 great ideas.
Application that allows even less technically proficient teachers to easily set up a video room and invite to teach students, video portal with instructions on how to make various applications for online teaching, a project for long-term evaluation of teachers, just by monitoring the development of teaching quality over time, web interface for a channel for sharing good experiences or an application for automatic sorting of incoming e-mails from students, which can sort e-mails into individual class folders and a specific student and generate data on who has already submitted the task – for example, there was also a check for compliance of individual materials , that is, whether they can plagiarism.
There is nothing to wait for!
We are now launching negotiations through SITMP on how to implement these clever projects into practice within the School OnLine application, which is used by city primary schools.
In addition to colleagues from the SITMP, other entities also participated in the implementation of the hackathon. They were TechHeaven, Czech Events and CollBoard. Until the end of this year, we will have several more hackathons on various topics, for example, the second year of the Smart City hackathon or a hackathon focused on virtual reality is being prepared. Dates and other details will be published in time on the SIT Port website.
You can read more information in the official press release of the city of Pilsen, or take a look at the TV ZAK report v time 03:40