Autonomous tram is being developed and will be tested in Pilsen


The transport mobility of the future is not just self-driving cars, but a whole ecosystem of interconnected solutions that lead to safer and smoother transport in cities. The Pilsen City Council, PMDP (Pilsen Urban Transport Company) and SITMP (Information Technology Administration of the City of Pilsen) are planning this together with their partners – O2 Czech Republic, INTENS Corporation, Škoda Transportation, Škoda Digital and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Today, their representatives signed a memorandum of cooperation with the aim of making Pilsen a centre for smart mobility and a living laboratory for testing autonomous driving in the city by 2027. This will create the first smart city of its kind in the Czech Republic.

Thanks to the 5G for 5 Cities programme, in which Plzeň is involved and where O2 is a technology partner of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, O2 started covering the city with 5G networks last year. The fastest 5G network is now available in almost two-thirds of the area of Plzeň. The key features of 5G, such as fast data downloading and uploading or low response time, along with high data transmission security, are essential for the construction of the infrastructure allowing the communication of smart elements.

A unique living laboratory should be created in Pilsen, which will test various models of smart transport in a real environment. Then, residents and visitors of our city will be the first in Europe to experience a unique ecosystem connecting smart trams, intersections, bus stops or even an entire smart street. Integrated rescue system vehicles should also be added.

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